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el puente summer leadership academy
and Summer Internship Program

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El Puente Summer Leadership Academy 

WHO: Santa Fe & area youth 14-20 years old.


WHERE: El Puente will take place in Abq and Santa Fe.


WHEN: El Puente takes place for 1 week during the beginning of the summer with internships available for youth during the summer to work on our projects & campaigns.


WHAT: The leadership academy is a week of leadership training, community building, friendship-making, and problem-solving. Do you care about the environment? Poverty? Immigrant rights? Education? Be apart of creating the solutions with your community! Grow the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to help our community & the Earth!


COST: The Program is free, youth participants will receive a $50 stipend upon completion of the week-long El Puente Leadership Academy.


Schedule June 12 - Aug 5th


Youth may just complete the 1 week Academy or they may also apply to the 9 week Paid Summer Internship Program!

El Puente Summer Internship


There are two opportunities and you can apply to both the leadership academy AND internship, or just the leadership academy. The leadership academy is the start of the internship program and is the training opportunity that will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and resources you need to start off your internship with success or go on to pursue other leadership and social change work (with our organization or on your own) -- the movement needs a lot of young leaders and we want to support you no matter where your journey leads you.


WHERE: The Internship will take place in Santa Fe and Albuquerque, Earth Care is located by the Southside Library. 


WHEN: El Puente Leadership Academy is from June 12 and this is the intern orientation for the program and the first week of the Paid Internship. Interns will continue their work for the rest of the summer for 20 hours/week. Schedule: Full days on Tuesdays, Thursdays, 1/2 days on Fridays and Saturdays through August 5th.


WHAT: Thirty interns will be selected to participate in a 8 week paid internship with Earth Care. Interns will work 20 hours/week and earn $14/hour. Interns will learn from experienced organizers, develop campaigns around climate, social, & economic justice and learn organizing and communications skills they will put to use to make a difference.​

Interns will learn digital storytelling, communication skills, videography, and interview skills. 



We are partnering with Future Focused Education. 


MAY 2023



All Applications are due, Earth Care will Contact Applicants for a short phone interview. All applicants notified & sent registration packets.

El Puente Summer Leadership Academy begins

Interns will work on Earth Care campaigns, gain more experience and learn organizing, videography, communication skills, interview skills, and more!

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